basic brewing guide for home baristas

basic brewing guide for home baristas

"who says brewing a cup of specialty coffee has to be rocket science!?"

we've silently been working in the background on our exclusive kam kam coffee basic brewing guide, before collaborating with one of our fav' illustrators, nohan for the finishing touches.

his unique sketching style perfectly aligns with our brand. together with our in-house one-man-design-team consisting of kam, we were focusing on showcasing simple brewing tips for home baristas, in a fun and entertaining way.

after finishing, we polished it with our 'kam kam customs' design approach to capture our distinct style. the whole thing took us a week from start to finish, and we hope you’re as excited about the result as we are!

watch out for the limited release of our exclusive basic brewing guide prints on canvas.



brewing coffee made simple.

no need to delve deep into brewing methodology every time you want a good cup of coffee. just follow our simple and entertaining guide, and you'll be able to enjoy your brew at home in no time.

start from here and create your own favorite brewing recipe for each and every coffee.

..and remember, the most important thing is to have fun while exploring! :)


kam kam coffee / basic brewing tips



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